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Australian Man Converts Prius Hybrid into Motor Home. For Real.

| March 12, 2015

Prius Motor Home

If you think Australians can be funny, unconventional, adventurous and sometimes totally off the grid, meet Australian landscaper, James Lawler.

He’s built what very well may be the worlds first a hybrid motor home.

And get this, he built it on top of his Toyota Prius.

Apparently, Lawler was heading to a music festival and wanted something a bit more quaint than the run-of-the-mill, off-the-shelf camper vans out there. So for about $120 and scraps he salvaged from a dumpster, Lawler constructed the motor home in less than a week.

His home on wheels sports a corrugated tin roof, a chimney, a lofted bed and a letterbox displaying the car’s license plate. While practical, economical and certainly entertaining, local law enforcement didn’t seem to get the concept, or the joke.

Lawler was stopped by the police on the way home from the event and his creation was deemed “unroadworthy.” Green Transit News is confident Lawler will be back at it again soon and we’re looking forward to test-driving version II.


Category: Consumer, Hybrids

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