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Uber-style Trucking Platform Set for Launch

| March 29, 2016

TugForceTugForce, a startup technology company providing on-demand trucking services for commercial shippers, in the style of Uber, has announced it will officially launch May 2016.

The company hopes to transform the arena for independent truckers and small truck fleets worldwide.

“We created TugForce to bring convenience and efficiency to the massive trucking market,” said Mohammad Ahsan, Founder and CEO of TugForce, “By utilizing our services, drivers will no longer have to pay middlemen and shippers will get the best prices available while eliminating brokerage fees for their shipments. It’s a win-win scenario for all parties involved.” will provide a platform for truckers worldwide to post their availability and eliminate driving long distances with no shipments. Often times, truckers drive to a destination with a shipment, and then drive back wasting time and money. Shippers are now going to be able to capitalize from trucks done with their transportation run, and hop on their original route. At the same time, drivers will be paid for a trip they were otherwise going to have to fund.

“Starting today,” Ahsan continued, “truckers and shippers can visit for pre-registration before the official company launch. Our site is for independent truckers and suppliers as well as small fleets.”

TugForce is also contracting with truck, tire and accessories manufacturers, as well as truck leasing companies to get better deals for TugForce Community Members.


Category: Telematics

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