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Jungo Introduces New Driver Monitoring System

| September 28, 2016


As fleets seek to have a better read on how their drivers perform, Jungo Connectivity, a divestiture of Cisco, has announced its new Driver Monitoring System (DMS), a new entrant in the Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) space

“Based on state-of-the-art deep learning, machine learning, and computer vision algorithms, CoDriver’s innovative approach provides the car with a complete, real-time information of the condition of the driver,” said Ophir Herbst, CEO and Founder of Jungo Connectivity. “We believe that driver monitoring is an essential safety element for today’s cars and will be instrumental in the shift towards autonomous vehicles. Our mission with CoDriver is to make driver monitoring technology available to the mass market, at unprecedented accuracy and cost.”

Here’s what’s at stake: Through the potentially powerful information that CoDriver generates about the driver, car makers can create safer cars and reduce accidents.

Using CoDriver, cars can now “know” whether or not the driver is alert and paying attention to the road, and can tell if the driver is ready to take control of a vehicle in a semi-autonomous scenario. In a fully-autonomous experience, the car can get valuable information about the passengers and their overall condition while in the vehicle.

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Category: Telematics

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